Research for Policy Action

Creating Learning Alliances: Learning on Fiscal Sustainability and Open Government Update Note

On 2nd November 2017 the Learning Alliance on Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP) and Open Government Partnership held in Ibadan, Nigeria. This note reports on the process of organising and delivering the event, the extent to which it met the objectives of a Learning Alliance, and the lessons learned from this experience. Participation included the six South West Nigerian States of Lagos, Ondo, Ogun, Oyo, Ekiti and Osun. The aim was to enable the six States to identify relevant good practice in the implementation of the 22-point FSP agenda, share complimentary approaches, adapt them to existing needs and contexts, and apply them more widely and document and share the outcomes. This report covers the planning process, detailed how the event contributed to the broad objectives set for the Learning Alliance event, documented key lessons from specific states and generally, analysed the strengths and weaknesses of the event and outlined next steps.

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Open Government Partnership, Learning Alliances, Fiscal Sustainability Plan

Focus Area(s): Fiscal Sustainability and Open Government, Learning Alliances

Country of Reform: Nigeria

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